After two years, our day finally came. The day we would moved the elevator from the first floor to the second. This was also known covertly as “Project Get Rid Of Cat Safety Trellis” or “GROCST” since open elevator shafts and kittens don’t mix.
Remember this?

Some people seem to think the cats might fall down the shaft. This is only temporary. Until I can have an “Elevator Raising Party” to get the elevator up to the top floor and secured.
This was what we’d called our temporary fix to the gaping maw next to the stairs. Dad was less than excited about it but we placated him by telling him it wouldn’t be there forever and it wasn’t!…But I’m not sure he intended temporary to mean two years. Still, he understood our need for it even more after we got kittens that pull stunts like this all the time.

That’s Merry, ready to jump from the shelf. She’ll be taking a flying leap through the air, between the spindles, and onto the stairs. Definitely the safest way to exit a situation.
Anyway, one does not simply move an elevator alone so that meant we’d need to have an elevator raising party (try explaining that one to somebody who asks about your weekend plans). It turns out a lot of people get very excited about coming over and helping you move a one hundred and three year old elevator.

There were way more people than this, I promise.

Slowly but surely!
We really did expect it to be a lot harder than it was but thanks to all the help it only took about fifteen minutes.

Coming up smoothly.
There was one minor issue of some warped wood making it a bit tougher to move in one spot. But Dad had it covered, literally.

Leave it to Dad to be the one sitting on it while trying to get it past a tough spot.
So all in all, elevator raising party? Success! A big thank you to everyone who came out to help and to make sure we didn’t accidentally drop an elevator on someone’s head 🙂

Dad built supports up underneath it so it’s safe to walk on.

Now THAT’S a conversation piece to have in your living room.
Good people, good help, and another great story to tell!
Entertaining as usual